Exultet (Summer 2016)

This year at the Ontario Wine Awards Exultet regained their crown for the best Chardonnay and also the best White Wine at the competition. This means this small winery in Prince Edward County now holds the best Chardonnay award from the OWA’s five out of the last six years. Now...

Oregon Sneak Peek

I am off to Oregon to do some tasting and exploring next week. I have had the opportunity to taste a couple of wines from the area. A couple of wines do not define a region, but they certainly have me hooked into what I’m about to explore. 2014 La...

Pelee Island – Vinedressers Kick Ass!

When I recently visited Pelee Island I had the chance to visit their retail shop. Most people will associate this winery with the entry level wines available at the LCBO. What they don’t know is that there is a treasure trove of high end wines at the winery. I haven’t...

Coyote’s Run – Spring Visit

This post is long overdue. I had a chance to visit Coyote’s Run in March of this year and haven’t had a chance to go over the wines. Coyote’s Run is one of my favorite places to visit in the province because they remind that I love Pinot Noir, but...

July 15 – 2013 Kabang Gewurztraminer – 2015 Featherstone Rosé

2013 Kabang Gewurztraminer – Vintages 442012 – $17.95 – **** – Gewurztraminer from Niagara is something to get excited about, because I’m not sure how much more of it we’re going to see. The winters in 2013 and 2014 were not kind to the varietal and many wineries that made...

Featherstone for Summer

2014 Canadian Oak Chardonnay – Vintages TBD – $21.95 – ****1/2 – The nose is rich and complex there is Pineapple, Peach, Vanilla and a hint of something funky. It really doesn’t get more local than this wine. The barrel is made with Canadian Oak and the grapes are fermented...

Kacaba – Wines for the Summer

2015 Effervescence – $29.95 – **** – It’s great to see Kacaba include a sparkling wine in the portfolio. The aromas on this wine are very strong green apple with a bit of lime zest. The flavours on this wine very much match the nose but bring a nice layer...

2013 Henry of Pelham Old Vines Baco Noir

2014 Henry of Pelham Old Vines Baco Noir – LCBO 459966 – $19.95 – **** – This comes from vines that are over thirty years old. There are only a few wineries who are labeling their bottles as old vines. When you have a vineyard that starts to get older...