Eye on Cider 1 – Brickworks Cider House Batch:1904

photo 63ABD01E-534F-4580-B609-C06BE197488A_zpsabqnse30.jpg I have never written about Cider but it is definitely something I enjoy when I’m not drinking wine. We are seeing a huge boom in craft everything when it comes to beverages in Ontario.  Craft Cider and Spirits are slowly working their way to the mainstream the same way craft beer has made it’s mark. 

I had a chance to try some Brickworks Cider earlier this month and do some cooking with it.  The thing I love about cooking with beer and cider as opposed to wine is that you’re generally looking at a smaller investment.  It can be difficult to toss half a bottle of your twenty dollar cab franc into a sauce but if you’re doing a beer battered fish or a cider glazed chicken it’s a lot easier on the pocket book to pick up an extra can to toss in the recipe. 

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This Cider is amazingly clean and crisp with lots of flavours of granny smith apple.  It has great balance between sweetness and acidity.  What is remarkable is that on the side of the can there is only a single ingredient listed … Apples.  Enjoy this very cold with hot weather.

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Cider shouldn’t just be relegated to sitting on a dock… I took the opportunity to cook a chicken using a recipe from the Holiday 2013 Food and Drink for Cider Glazed Roasted Chicken, Brussel Sprouts and Garlic.  (I’m not crazy for using the Oven in summer… this recipe is worth it)  As with wine when you cook with any alcohol your food is going to take on the flavour of your beverage of choice so using a high quality drink will come out in the food.  This recipe is fantastic because the sprouts soak up a lot of the delicious apple flavour.  I have linked the recipe below and it is very easy.


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