Wine for Noobs – Episode 1

Welcome to Wine for Noobz!  My intention with this podcast is to help make wine a little less pretentious for you reading it.  I hope you will find it informative and entertaining.

Our first episode focuses on how to read a wine label.  I realize this may be putting the cart before the horse … but I think it’s important that for you to be able to find the wines we are going to be talking about you need to be able to find them.  The label below is for a typical bottle of “New World” wine.  Most wines from the “New World” i.e. Canada, United States, South Africa, Australia, Chile, Argentina … essentially anywhere that isn’t Europe, will follow a similar format.

Wine for Noobs - Wine Bottle

I purposely avoided France and Italy because these bottles are labeled by region and even for the budding wine snob can be overwhelming.  I assure you we will be getting into France in later podcasts.