Henry of Pelham

Your Chardonnay Fix – Spring 2015

The trick to serving all three of these wines it to makes sure you don’t over chill them.  If you serve these wines at fridge temperature they will all taste like you are drinking a popsicle stick.  When you want to serve these wines toss them in the fridge for...

#blendedcru – Rosé in April

This is the second post from a monthly tasting group that we hold at the iYellow wine cave.  Angela Aiello, Mandy Shnurr, Jason Solanki, and Krista Lamb meet up once a month to taste something of interest to them and discuss.  We have decided to call our tasting group #blendedcru...

You Should Drink Ontario Sparkling Wine tonight.

You Should Drink Ontario Sparkling Wine tonight.

I was recently asked by a friend what Sparkling wine should I get for New Years… I have a sixty dollar budget.  The great news about a sixty dollar budget is there are A LOT of options on what you can pick up.  Champagne can get quite expensive.  A bottle...

Icewine… You’re Drinking it Wrong.

Everything you need for the perfect Icewine Appetizer – Foie Gras, Mini Toasts and Onion Confit. It is the time of year when we go to the wine rack and blow the dust off the bottle of Icewine that we got last year and get ready to either re-wrap and...

It’s Time to Bring a Bottle of Wine to Your Host!

Over the holidays there is more to worry about than just figuring out what wines to serve at your own Christmas parties.  Inevitably you will be invited to your friends house or even the boss may be throwing their own Christmas party.  How do you figure out what exactly to...