Hidden Bench – December 2014 Visit

For this year one thing I will be adding to www.andrewinereview.ca are expanded tastings from my visits to wine country.  I am very pleased to have Hidden Bench be the first winery to be profiled.  The owner of the winery is Harald Thiel.  I have had the pleasure of bumping...

A Farewell to Semillon (2003-2013)

The 2013-14 winter was brutal in Ontario.  Many vineyards lost Syrah and Merlot and my heart goes out to the wineries who lost vines.  The light at the end of the tunnel is that events like that cold winter will continue to help define the Ontario wine industry as a...

Niagara Chilled – Icewine in Wine Country!

3 weekends, 58 wineries, 15 events… this is Icewine in January in Niagara.  Everything you need to plan your visit can be found at www.niagarachilled.com.  The weather this week dipped below the magic number of -8°C when winemakers descend into the vineyards to harvest the frozen berries to extract their...

Wine Scoring

I have long wrestled with whether or not to score my wines.  I haven’t scored my wines up til now because frankly I haven’t felt the need to do so.  I have had a hard time deciding what system to use because wine essentially falls into two categories for me...

Fancy Farm Girl from Sue-Ann Staff

Fancy Farm Girl from Sue-Ann Staff

2012 Flamboyant Red – $17.95 – Loaded with bright red fruit and tannin on the finish that isn’t overbearing.  This bottle isn’t just a flashy label… but let’s face it the artwork on both the White and the Red are fantastic.  This Red blend is well worth the price of...

You Should Drink Ontario Sparkling Wine tonight.

You Should Drink Ontario Sparkling Wine tonight.

I was recently asked by a friend what Sparkling wine should I get for New Years… I have a sixty dollar budget.  The great news about a sixty dollar budget is there are A LOT of options on what you can pick up.  Champagne can get quite expensive.  A bottle...