Nals Margreid/Pukka – Indian and Italian dinner

When I head out for Indian food often I find myself switching to beer, or cocktails.  Indian food is difficult when it comes to pairing with wine.  I was intrigued when I got the invite for the dinner at Pukka featuring Nals Margreid a winery in Northern Italy.  I was...

German Wine School

I don’t drink enough German wine. I think that most people don’t drink enough German wine. I will be the first to admit that I find german wine intimidating.  At least with French wine you have seen or heard of Champagne, Bordeaux or Cotes du Rhone.  German labels are adorned...

2013 The Foreign Affair The Conspiracy

2013 The Foreign Affair The Conspiracy – Vintages 149237 – $19.95 – **** – This is a very good follow up to the 2012 vintage. Roasted herb with ripe strawberry and raspberry on the nose.  The flavours in this wine are Strawberry, Raspberry and black plum with a nice hint...

Ontario Wine Awards 2015

Friday May 8th the winners of the Ontario Wine Awards were announced at Queen’s Landing in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Pillitteri took home Red Wine of the year with their 2010 Riserva Famiglia Cabernet Franc. Peller Estates took White Wine of the Year with their 2013 AP Signature Series Sauvignon Blanc. The big winner...

Gewurztraminer and Dumplings – East meets East

I drink copious amounts of Riesling and Gewürztraminer year round.  I think because of our eating habits bright crisp wines get relegated to the patio.  I guess we don’t think to crack open a nice chilled Gewurz in the middle of winter.  I come from the part of the country that...

Remy Pannier

Here are a trio of french wines that will make great additions to your patio, dock or summer entertaining in general.  You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get decent french wine. Rosé D’Anjou – LCBO 12641 – $14.00 ($13.00 until May 24, 2015) – ***1/2+ –...